Memories ~ a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, and the things you never want to lose.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Long Time no see!!!

Hey Y'all.... I am so sorry for not posting for such a long while, but this blogging stuff seems to be above my head. I read all these other blogs with all their wonderful information and great news and I feel so dense!! LOL
My life is so ordinary and there is not much news from day to day...
I have been reading a good bit and have fell in love with Linda Lael Miller's wonderful books... she is such a wonderful author....I gobble up her books and can't wait till the next one comes out!  Often I go back and re-read the book for a second and sometimes, a third time!!
Hubby and I are enjoying the retired life.  We had a HUGE vegetable garden this season.  We have canned and canned and still have vegetables to sell or give away....God is so good!!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer, try to stay cool!!!!
God bless!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Brrrrrr... Good Morning to Everyone!  Looks like winter has arrived!  Had to turn on the electric blanket this morning!!  These old bones can't take much of the cold...
We had a wonderful time last night. Friends at my husband's workplace threw him a retirement party... it was great fun and we got big laughs from a few gag gifts he was given. At his work all the " management " wears 'white hats' and for a gag gift they gave me my own white hat to wear when he retires..!! lol... it had my name and " Domestic Engineer"  across the front and on the side it had " Boss of George Smith"....  I got the biggest laugh when I immediately put it on!!!  The hubby got a great gift of a double gun case with two guns!!  He is a hunter so this really impressed him! All in all it was a good time..  I got to meet some of the people he has worked with for the past 36 years... It was good to put faces to names I had heard over the years..
Y'all have a blessed day!!
"Til later........."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy Saturday Everyone!  I hope your weekend goes well. We have another beautiful Fall day here again today. We are sadly in need of some rain but the weather has really been beautiful.  We had a wonderful time last night playing Canasta with my brother and his wife.  He and I are the only two siblings left from a family of eight.. I am so happy that we live close so that we can visit. It's hard to feel that you are cut off from family when you grow up as close as we were. I pray that if you have family that you won't hesitate to tell them how much you love them for there will come a day when it won't be possible to tell them...
I love this quote by Erma Bombeck....

The family.  We were a strange little band of characters trudging through life sharing diseases and toothpaste, coveting one another's desserts, hiding shampoo, borrowing money, locking each other out of our rooms, inflicting pain and kissing to heal it in the same instant, loving, laughing, defending, and trying to figure out the common thread that bound us all together.  ~Erma Bombeck

Y'all have a wonderful weekend and spend some time with family!
"Till Later.................

Monday, October 18, 2010

Good Monday Morning, Everyone....  the weekend went fast!!  Attended my grandson's 4yr old birthday party on Saturday.  Oh to have that much energy again!!!  They had a wonderful time at an indoor 'jumpy' facility... two hours of all that activity and I was ready for my nice quiet front porch swing, listening to my tinkling fountain!! lol... but it was a joy spending time with the grandchildren...
The days are getting shorter and the leaves getting brighter... the cool nights are great for sleeping with the windows open and hearing the crickets chirp.. but its harder to slip out from under those warm covers in the morning!
Here is another great poem for you....

"Crispy air and azure skies,
High above, a white cloud flies,
Bright as newly fallen snow.
Oh the joy to those who know October!

Colors bright on bush and tree.
Over the weedy swamp, we see
A veil of purple and brown and gold.
Thy beauty words have never told. October!

Scolding sparrows on the lawn,
Rabbits frisking home at dawn,
Pheasants midst the sheaves of grain,
All in harmony acclaim, October!

Brown earth freshly turned by plow,
Apples shine on bended bough,
Bins o'erflowed with oats and wheat,
And satisfaction reigns complete. October!

Radiant joy is everywhere.
Spirits in tune to the spicy air,
Thrill in the glory of each day.
Life's worth living when we say, October!"

-   Joseph Pullman Porter

"Til Later"........

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hey Y'all...  Hope your day has gone well...  I visited over on Cora's Digital Two for Tuesday blog and she had these beautiful images so I decided to try my hand at a card. I so appreciate her sharing her beautiful images...
I hope everyone has a wonderful evening..
"Til Later.....

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hey Y'all..  I am so excited!!!  I participated in the Paper Wishes contests featured on their forum on the 2nd of this month and won a few of the prizes, but was really surprised to learn this morning that I had won the card making contest!!!  It was judged by none other than Mrs Paulette Jarvey herself!!!  Wow!  I was so honored to find out that I was a winner until that was prize enough in itself!!!
So thanks Paulette and all the others who made this contest possible. I really had a wonderful time. I look forward to doing something like this again!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, we spent some time at my son's visiting with the grandkids... they are really growing like weeds..  and smart as a whip!  Kids seem to grow up so fast now days... but I guess with all the technology that is out there they have to be smart to make it in this world today!
I will leave you with these words.....

What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.  ~Sigmund Freud

"Til Later.......

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hey Y'all... Happy weekend... hope you have big plans for this weekend and get out and enjoy the gorgeous Fall weather... The leaves have begun to turn colors here in South MS...
Hubby and I are making plans to join the land of the Retired Seniors... I don't know if I am ready for this!
His last day of work is Nov 30th.. I guess I have until then to get my " Honey Do" list ready!
I found a few tidbits about retirement to share with you.....
~When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband but only half the income.  ~Chi Chi Rodriguez
~A retired husband is often a wife's full-time job.  ~Ella Harris
~The challenge of retirement is how to spend time without spending money.
~Retirement:  That's when you return from work one day and say, "Hi, Honey, I'm home - forever."  ~Gene Perret
I wanted to give a big THANK YOU to all the "Followers" of my novice blog... I would appreciate any help for decorating... I am not sure how to do all that ... I have visited some very beautiful blogs. I would like mine to be just as pleasing...
The beautiful " Roses Along The Track " image on the right of the blog came from the photo bucket of Caroline .....
She has some really lovely images...  I thank her very much for sharing....

Here is a bit of October beauty..

"Wheels of baled hay bask in October sun:
Gold circles strewn across the sloping field,
They seem arranged as if each one
Has found its place; together they appeal
To some glimpsed order in my mind
Preceding my chance pausing here --
A randomness that also seems designed.
Gold circles strewn across the sloping field
Evoke a silence deep as my deep fear
Of emptiness; I feel the scene requires
A listener who can respond with words, yet who
Prolongs the silence that I still desire,
Relieved as clacking crows come flashing through,
Whose blackness shows chance radiance of fire.
Yet stillness in the field remains for everyone:
Wheels of baled hay bask in October sun."
-   Robert Pack, Baled Hay   

"Til Later".........